
Being in center

Too much information, too many thoughts as people living.

You will get lost if you take in all the info around you, or just look at and listen to the others.

You should look at yourself, and listen yourself.


For your life, you are the most important person and the best decision maker of your life.

We need to have skills to be a close friend of yourself first.

And then you will get closer and be friends with people around you.

People around you help you to know yourself. But don't sink into their thoughts/energy.

They are wonderful friends and helpers of you, but you should stand in the middle of your life always.


Be in center of you.

Be in center of your life.


If you feel something wrong, get back to your center, go back to your center.

Feel your center.


Physical exercises, meditation, Life Activation, Empower Thyself Program and the other tools in here

help you to be in center, too!